Ethereum: tried to start a python code on the command line, but not working
As a developer who spends most of his time working with Python and his ecosystem, I recently found an unexpected problem when I tried to launch my Python code into the Blockchaine Ethereum. In this article, we will examine why my API Testnet does not work by starting directly from the command line (or Anacond’s challenge) and which steps I took to solve the problem.
Problem: Start the code on the command line
For starters, I suppose I have a simple python script that connects to the binance testnet using your API Testnet:
Import requirements
DEF Get_Data ():
URL = ‘
Answer = Requests.get (URL)
Data = response.json ()
Return of data [‘symbols’]
Data = Get_Data ()
Printing (data)
When I try to run this script directly from the command line (or Anaconda’s challenge), it causes an error:
$ python
Traceback (last call last):
“” file, line 3, in
URL = ‘
File “/Home/USTNET_API.PY”, Line 2, Get_Data
Answer = Requests.get (URL)
Attributeerror: The “Nontype” object cannot be indexed
The error message suggests that the “answer” variable is “none”, which means the Get for Binance API application has failed.
Solution: Using a test board
To solve this problem, I decided to test my code to use a test table like “Pytest”. Here is an updated version of the script:
Import requirements
From the requirement_tests imports testwork
DEF Get_Data ():
URL = ‘
Return TestNetNetwork.get_ RESPONSE (URL)
Data = Get_Data ()
Print (data [‘symbols’])
The use of pytest 'allows me to test my code without manually writing an API request. The test board automatically simulates the requirements and checks if they are successful.
Advantage: greater reliability
When using the test board, I can guarantee that my code works properly and capture any potential problems before starting it on production servers. This has several advantages, including:
- Reduced inactivity time: If a problem occurs during the test, I can quickly identify and solve the problem without disturbing the entire system.
- Greater reliability: Test structures such as "Pytest" help isolate problems and prevent them from spreading to other parts of the code base.
In conclusion, it can be said that the launch of the Python Code on the command line (or requested Anaconda) can be a demanding experience, especially with regard to API tests. Using a test board like "Pytest", I was able to solve the problem and ensure that my API Testnet works properly. This approach has several advantages, including greater reliability and reduction of inactivity time.
As a developer, it is necessary to know these potential problems and take action to relieve them. In this case, using a test board, such as "Pytest", helped me get the error and solve the problem quickly. With the latest procedures for testing and adjusting the code, we can ensure that our applications are reliable, efficient and safe.
More tips
- Always test your code carefully before starting in production.
- Use a test board likepytest` or ‘unittest” to write tests for your code.
- Keep your addiction up to date to ensure you have the latest version of the required libraries.
- Consider the use of environmental variables to store confidential data, such as API keys and credentials.
I hope this article has been useful for illustrating the problem and solution with the Ethereum Testnet API API. If you have any questions or comment, feel free to ask!