Obtain your Ethereum project identification with Infura

As a developer that works in an Ethereum -based project, it must interact with several Ethereum services, including the Interplanetary File System (IPFS) and the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM). To connect to these services, you will need a valid Ethereum project ID. In this article, we will guide it through the process of obtaining its Ethereum project ID using Infura.


Before starting, be sure to have:

  • An Ethereum wallet verified with an existing public direction.

  • An Infura account, which provides a free Ethereum test network for proof and development purposes.

  • Familiarity with Ethereum wallets, Blockchain networks and the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM).

Step 1: Create an Ethereum Wallet in Infura

To begin the process, you must create an Ethereum wallet in the infura testnet environment. Follow these steps:

  • Go to [Infura] ( and register to get a new account.

  • Click “Testnets” in the upper menu bar and select the Ethereum Testnet (the use of the main production is not recommended).

  • Click “Create Wallet” and follow the indications to create an Ethereum wallet.

  • Choose a type of wallet (for example, Metamk or Truffle) and configure your public address.

Step 2: Obtain your Ethereum project ID

To obtain its Ethereum project ID, you must create a new resolution configuration using the ‘Createagentof Infura of@veramo/core. You will also need the 'Eth-Did-Resolol library, which provides a simple way to interact with IPF and EVM services.

Here is a fragment of example code:


Import {Createagent} of '@veramo/core';

Import {DidresolverPlugin} of '@veramo/did-resolve';

Import {getresolve as ethrdidresolver} of 'ethr-did-resolve';

Const projectid = 'your_project_id_here'; // Replace with your Ethereum Project ID

const agentconfig: createagentconfig = {

Project: Projectist,

Networkname: 'Mainnet', // You can use the testnet, but this is not recommended for production


Const resolution


const agent = createagent (agentconfig);

Replaceyour_project_id_herewith its Ethereum Real Project ID.

Step 3: Use your resolution configuration to connect to IPF and EVM

With the configuration of the resolution in place, you can now connect to the IPFS and EVM services using the 'Eth-Did-Resolol. Here is a fragment of example code:


Import {Iresollors} of 'Infura-Node';

Import {getresolve as ethrdidresolver} of 'ethr-did-resolve';

Const projectid = 'your_project_id_here'; // Replace with your Ethereum Project ID

Const Resolutions: IRESOLVERS = {};

Const resolution


const resolution = getresolver (resolvers, resolveconfig);

This code establishes anobject and uses the functiongetresolve as eth-did-resolveto create a resolution configuration. Replaceyour_project_id_here` with its Ethereum Real Project ID.


Following these steps, you have successfully obtained its Ethereum project ID using Infura. This allows you to connect to IPF and EVM services for testing and development purposes. Remember to use this configuration in your code base ready for production. If you have more questions or need help to integrate your Ethereum project with other blockchain services, do not hesitate to ask!

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